Finally here we are. On the days of 14, 15, 16 September 2023 we will meet guests of Vila Nova de Famalicão in Portugal, for our first opportunity to work together in person.
It will be three days to lay the foundations of our future work in a challenging historical moment in which the convergence of many different critical issues shake the waters of our Europe.
The meeting is reserved for the partners but the most significant materials will subsequently be made public through the project channels: FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Anchor and obviously the posts in this News section of the website.
The special guests
But what Europe do we need? Should and could it be different, better? We will begin by collecting the points of view and testimonies of the partners and we will be helped by a couple of expert guests to design the possible scenarios of future change.
The first will be Lorenzo Benini of the European Environment Agency (EEA) who will help us understand the relationships between the current economic system and the biophysical system of the planet. The recent report of his agency entitled "Growth without economic growth" has opened a new narrative regarding the future of the old continent and he will help us to explore this scenario through his formal intervention and then remaining available during the course of the works and workshops to provide ideas and clarifications.
The second will be Marta Mattioli, Environment Consultant at Marta Mattioli Consulting, President of Marca - Associação de Desenvolvimento local andClimate Ambassador at CUNCR, which will help us to understand the local impacts of climate change, particularly in human well-being. The lecture will focus on the climate change impacts in cities, whilst addressing climate governance experiences irrespective of its scale, its location and climate issue.
Designing and implementing climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions is far from a simple process. It sets a truly governance challenge, since every sector and part of the society is involved, from the individual citizens to a government of a multinational enterprise. Climate governance, democracy and justice are the most challenging aspects of climate action, but the most important features of climate action. Ms. Mattioli will help us to explore possible ways of managing these complex situations, based on case studies.
The study visit
The third day of the meeting will be dedicated to a study visit.
1. The visit will start at Casa do Território
Casa do Território is a cultural facility whose mission is to be a space for dialogue, participation and learning about the territory of V. N. Famalicão, valuing the elements associated with the identity of the territory and appealing to the active participation of the populations in the promotion of sustainable development.
2. We will then follow to Parque da Devesa
Parque da Devesa (picture below) is an urban green space located next to the city center of V. N. Famalicão. With its 27 hectares, the park is a privileged place for contact with nature, leisure and socialization, which is configured as a vehicle of excellence for environmental education and sustainability, and as a cultural, civic and ethics asset, contributing to the integral growth of citizens with respect for people, for nature and for future generations.
3. Visit to Cupertino de Miranda Foundation
The Cupertino de Miranda Foundation is a private foundation of general interest, based in Vila Nova de Famalicão. Recognised as a legal person of public interest, the Foundation seeks to fulfill its cultural and social purposes. Culturally, the activity of the Foundation has been relevant both in education and culture by means of the support that its valuable Library provides to the community as well as in the systematic programming in the Fine Arts sector.
4. Praça – Mercado Famalicão (Municipal Market)
Visit to the Municipal Market followed by lunch.
The agenda
DAY 1 - 14th September
- 16:30 - Welcome of the host Vila Nova de Famalicão
- 17:15 - Getting to know each other - presentation of the partners
- 18:00 - What Europe do we need? Let's work together to find out…
- 18:50 - Closing section
- 20:00 - Convivial dinner.
DAY 2 - 15th
- 09:00 - The Europe we have - Mapping the state of the art.
- 10:00 - Future scenarios - What economy is possible? (Dr. Lorenzo Benini EEA)
- 11:00 - Future scenarios - Climate change in cities and climate governance challenges – Case study analyses (Marta Mattioli - Environment Consultant at Marta Mattioli Consulting)
- 11:45 - How do we feel about this information? Collective reasoning.
- 13:00 - Lunch break
- 15:00 - What Europe do we need? - Second round …
- 15:00 - Let’s start searching for solutions - Senge Scheme laboratory
- 17:00 - Using the Local Transformation Toolkit to guide our journey
- 17:45 - Closing section
DAY 3 - 16th
- 09:00 - Study visit in Vila Nova de Famalicão
- 12:00 - Wrapping up and closing of this first MEET event